- Introductions
- Class overview
- Getting R up and running
June 13, 2016
Andrew Jaffe
Investigator, Lieber Institute for Brain Development
Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health, JHSPH
PhD in Epidemiology, MHS in Bioinformatics
Email: ajaffe@jhu.edu
John Muschelli
Assistant Scientist, Department of Biostatistics
PhD in Biostatistics, ScM in Biostatistics
Email: jmusche1@jhu.edu
What do you hope to get out of the class?
Why R?
Materials will be uploaded the night before class
Homework 1: Due Tuesday 6/14 by 5pm
Homework 2: Due Thursday 6/15 by class
Homework 3: Due Friday 6/16 by class
Project: Due Friday 7/1 by 5pm
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics
R is the open source implementation of the S language, which was developed by Bell laboratories
R is both open source and open development
(source: http://www.r-project.org/)
Powerful and flexible
Free (open source)
Extensive add-on software (packages)
Designed for statistical computing
High level language
Fairly steep learning curve
"Programming" oriented
Minimal interface
Little centralized support, relies on online community and package developers
Annoying to update
Slower, and more memory intensive, than the more traditional programming languages (C, Java, Perl, Python)
Install the latest version from: http://cran.r-project.org/
(Makes R easier)
Ctrl + Enter
(Cmd + Enter
on OS X) in your script evaluates that line of code
takes you to the script pageCtrl+2
takes you to the console