June 18, 2015


Data Cleaning

In general, data cleaning is a process of investigating your data for inaccuracies, or recoding it in a way that makes it more manageable.


Again - table, summarize, is.na, any, all are useful.

Data Cleaning

table(c(0, 1, 2, 3, NA, 3, 3, 2,2, 3), 
##    0    1    2    3 <NA> 
##    1    1    3    4    1
table(c(0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2,2, 3), 
##    0    1    2    3 <NA> 
##    1    1    4    4    0
tab <- table(c(0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2,2, 3), 
             c(0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3), 
margin.table(tab, 2)
##    0    1    2    3    4 <NA> 
##    1    1    2    4    2    0

##          0   1   2   3   4 <NA>
##   0    0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0
##   1    0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0
##   2    0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2  0.0
##   3    0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0  0.0
##   <NA> 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0
##          0   1   2   3   4 <NA>
##   0    1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0
##   1    0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0
##   2    0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5  0.0
##   3    0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0  0.0
##   <NA>

Download Salary FY2014 Data

Data Cleaning

  • any() - checks if there are any TRUES
  • all() - checks if ALL are true
##                 Name                      JobTitle AgencyID
## 1    Aaron,Keontae E                AIDE BLUE CHIP   W02200
## 2   Aaron,Patricia G Facilities/Office Services II   A03031
## 3      Aaron,Petra L    ASSISTANT STATE'S ATTORNEY   A29005
## 4 Abaineh,Yohannes T                EPIDEMIOLOGIST   A65026
##                     Agency   HireDate AnnualSalary  GrossPay
## 1           Youth Summer   06/10/2013    $11310.00   $873.63
## 2      OED-Employment Dev  10/24/1979    $53428.00 $52868.38
## 3 States Attorneys Office  09/25/2006    $68300.00 $67439.19
## 4  HLTH-Health Department  07/23/2009    $62000.00 $58654.74
## [1] FALSE

Example of Cleaning:

For example, let's say gender was coded as Male, M, m, Female, F, f. Using Excel to find all of these would be a matter of filtering and changing all by hand or using if statements.

In R, you can simply do something like:

data$gender[data$gender %in% 
    c("Male", "M", "m")] <- "Male"

Sometimes though, it's not so simple. That's where functions that find patterns come in very useful.

## gender
##      F FeMAle FEMALE     Fm      M     Ma   mAle   Male   MaLe   MALE 
##     75     82     74     89     89     79     87     89     88     95 
##    Man  Woman 
##     73     80

Find/Replace and Regular Expressions

  • R can do much more than find exact matches for a whole string
  • Like Perl and other languages, it can use regular expressions.
  • What are regular expressions?
  • Ways to search for specific strings
  • Can be very complicated or simple
  • Highly Useful

'Find' functions

grep: grep, grepl, regexpr and gregexpr search for matches to argument pattern within each element of a character vector: they differ in the format of and amount of detail in the results.

grep(pattern, x, fixed=FALSE), where:

  • pattern = character string containing a regular expression to be matched in the given character vector.

  • x = a character vector where matches are sought, or an object which can be coerced by as.character to a character vector.

  • If fixed=TRUE, it will do exact matching for the phrase anywhere in the vector (regular find)

'Find' functions

## [1] 13832 13833 13834 13835

These are the indices/elements where the pattern match occurs

grep() returns something similar to which() on a logical statement

'Find' functions

## [1] 13832 13833 13834 13835
## [1] "Rawlings,Kellye A"          "Rawlings,MarqWell D"       
## [3] "Rawlings,Paula M"           "Rawlings-Blake,Stephanie C"
##                             Name             JobTitle AgencyID
## 13832          Rawlings,Kellye A EMERGENCY DISPATCHER   A40302
## 13833        Rawlings,MarqWell D       AIDE BLUE CHIP   W02384
## 13834           Rawlings,Paula M       COMMUNITY AIDE   A04015
## 13835 Rawlings-Blake,Stephanie C                MAYOR   A01001
##                     Agency   HireDate AnnualSalary   GrossPay
## 13832 M-R Info Technology  01/06/2003    $47980.00  $68426.73
## 13833       Youth Summer   06/15/2012    $11310.00    $507.50
## 13834      R&P-Recreation  12/10/2007    $19802.00   $8195.79
## 13835       Mayors Office  12/07/1995   $163365.00 $161219.24

grep() Options

head(grep("Tajhgh",Sal$Name, value=TRUE))
## [1] "Reynold,Tajhgh J"
## [1] 8603
## [1] 1

A bit on Regular Expressions

Using Regular Expressions

  • Look for any name that starts with:
    • Payne at the beginning,
    • Leonard and then an S
    • Spence then a capital C
grep("Payne.*", x=Sal$Name, value=TRUE)
##  [1] "Payne El,Jackie"         "Payne Johnson,Nickole A"
##  [3] "Payne,Chanel"            "Payne,Connie T"         
##  [5] "Payne,Denise I"          "Payne,Dominic R"        
##  [7] "Payne,James R"           "Payne,Jasman T"         
##  [9] "Payne,Joey D"            "Payne,Jordan A"         
## [11] "Payne,Karen V"           "Payne,Karen V"          
## [13] "Payne,Leonard S"         "Payne,Mary A"           
## [15] "Payne,Micah W"           "Payne,Michael C"        
## [17] "Payne,Michael N"         "Payne,Morag"            
## [19] "Payne,Nora M"            "Payne,Shelley F"

grep("Leonard.?S", x=Sal$Name, value=TRUE)
## [1] "Payne,Leonard S"      "Szumlanski,Leonard S"
grep("Spence.*C.*", x=Sal$Name, value=TRUE)
## [1] "Greene,Spencer C"    "Spencer,Charles A"   "Spencer,Christian O"
## [4] "Spencer,Clarence W"  "Spencer,Michael C"


Let's say we wanted to sort the data set by Annual Salary:

## [1] "character"
sort(c("1", "2", "10")) #  not sort correctly (order simply ranks the data)
## [1] "1"  "10" "2"
order(c("1", "2", "10"))
## [1] 1 3 2


So we must change the annual pay into a numeric:

head(as.numeric(Sal$AnnualSalary), 4)
## [1] NA NA NA NA

R didn't like the $ so it thought turned them all to NA.

sub() and gsub() can do the replacing part.

Replacing and subbing

Now we can replace the $ with nothing (used fixed=TRUE because $ means something in regular expressions):

Sal$AnnualSalary <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern="$", replacement="", 
                              Sal$AnnualSalary, fixed=TRUE))
Sal <- Sal[order(Sal$AnnualSalary,decreasing=TRUE), ] # use negative to sort descending
Sal[1:5, c("Name", "AnnualSalary", "JobTitle")]
##                    Name AnnualSalary              JobTitle
## 1222  Bernstein,Gregg L       238772      STATE'S ATTORNEY
## 3175   Charles,Ronnie E       200000   EXECUTIVE LEVEL III
## 985     Batts,Anthony W       193800   EXECUTIVE LEVEL III
## 1343      Black,Harry E       190000   EXECUTIVE LEVEL III
## 16352     Swift,Michael       187200 CONTRACT SERV SPEC II

Useful String Functions

Useful String functions

  • toupper(), tolower() - uppercase or lowercase your data:
  • str_trim() (in the stringr package) - will trim whitespace
  • nchar - get the number of characters in a string
  • substr(x, start, stop) - substrings from position start to position stop
  • strsplit(x, split) - splits strings up - returns list!
  • paste() - paste strings together - look at ?paste


Paste can be very useful for joining vectors together:

paste("Visit", 1:5, sep="_")
## [1] "Visit_1" "Visit_2" "Visit_3" "Visit_4" "Visit_5"
paste("Visit", 1:5, sep="_", collapse=" ")
## [1] "Visit_1 Visit_2 Visit_3 Visit_4 Visit_5"
paste("To", "is going be the ", "we go to the store!", sep="day ")
## [1] "Today is going be the day we go to the store!"
# and paste0 can be even simpler see ?paste0 
## [1] "Visit1" "Visit2" "Visit3" "Visit4" "Visit5"

paste(1:5, letters[1:5], sep="_")
## [1] "1_a" "2_b" "3_c" "4_d" "5_e"
paste(6:10, 11:15, 2000:2005, sep="/")
## [1] "6/11/2000"  "7/12/2001"  "8/13/2002"  "9/14/2003"  "10/15/2004"
## [6] "6/11/2005"
## [1] "x1+x2+x3+x4+x5"


x <- c("I really", "like writing", "R code")
y <- strsplit(x, split=" ")
## [1] "like"    "writing"
sapply(y, "[", 1) # on the fly
## [1] "I"    "like" "R"
sapply(y, "[", 2) # on the fly
## [1] "really"  "writing" "code"

Data Merging/Append

  • Merging - joining data sets together - usually on key variables, usually "id"
  • merge() is the most common way to do this with data sets
  • rbind/cbind - row/column bind, respectively
    • rbind is the equivalent of "appending" in Stata or "setting" in SAS
    • cbind allows you to add columns in addition to the previous ways
  • reshape2 package also has a lot of information about different ways to reshape data (wide to long, etc) - but has a different (and sometimes more intuitive syntax)
  • t() is a function that will transpose the data


base <- data.frame(id=1:10, Age= seq(55,60, length=10))
##   id      Age
## 1  1 55.00000
## 2  2 55.55556
visits <- data.frame(id=rep(1:8, 3), visit= rep(1:3, 8),
                    Outcome= seq(10,50, length=24))
##   id visit  Outcome
## 1  1     1 10.00000
## 2  2     2 11.73913

merged.data <- merge(base, visits, by="id")
##   id      Age visit  Outcome
## 1  1 55.00000     1 10.00000
## 2  1 55.00000     3 23.91304
## 3  1 55.00000     2 37.82609
## 4  2 55.55556     2 11.73913
## 5  2 55.55556     1 25.65217
## [1] 24  4

all.data <- merge(base, visits, by="id", all=TRUE)
##    id      Age visit  Outcome
## 21  7 58.33333     2 48.26087
## 22  8 58.88889     2 22.17391
## 23  8 58.88889     1 36.08696
## 24  8 58.88889     3 50.00000
## 25  9 59.44444    NA       NA
## 26 10 60.00000    NA       NA
## [1] 26  4

Aside: Dates

You can convert date-like strings in the Date class (http://www.statmethods.net/input/dates.html for more info)

circ = read.csv("../data/Charm_City_Circulator_Ridership.csv",as.is=TRUE)
## [1] "01/01/2011" "01/01/2012" "01/01/2013" "01/02/2011" "01/02/2012"
## [6] "01/02/2013"
circ$date <- as.Date(circ$date, "%m/%d/%Y") # creating a date for sorting
## [1] "2010-01-11" "2010-01-12" "2010-01-13" "2010-01-14" "2010-01-15"
## [6] "2010-01-16"
## [1] "2010-01-11" "2010-01-12" "2010-01-13" "2010-01-14" "2010-01-15"
## [6] "2010-01-16"

Data Reshaping

Disclaimer: the reshape command in R is not remarkably intuitive.

  • Wide - multiple measurements are variables / columns so that the data gets wider with more measurements
  • Long - multiple measurements are rows so data gets longer with more measurements
  • One example would be many ids with multiple visits

Example of Long/Wide

##   id visit1 visit2 visit3
## 1  1   Good   Good    Bad
##   id visit Outcome
## 1  1     1    Good
## 2  1     2    Good
## 3  1     3     Bad

Data Reshaping

head(Indometh) # this is long
## Grouped Data: conc ~ time | Subject
##   Subject time conc
## 1       1 0.25 1.50
## 2       1 0.50 0.94
## 3       1 0.75 0.78
## 4       1 1.00 0.48
## 5       1 1.25 0.37
## 6       1 2.00 0.19

Data Reshaping

wide <- reshape(Indometh, v.names = "conc", idvar = "Subject",
                timevar = "time", direction = "wide")
##    Subject conc.0.25 conc.0.5 conc.0.75 conc.1 conc.1.25 conc.2 conc.3
## 1        1      1.50     0.94      0.78   0.48      0.37   0.19   0.12
## 12       2      2.03     1.63      0.71   0.70      0.64   0.36   0.32
## 23       3      2.72     1.49      1.16   0.80      0.80   0.39   0.22
## 34       4      1.85     1.39      1.02   0.89      0.59   0.40   0.16
## 45       5      2.05     1.04      0.81   0.39      0.30   0.23   0.13
## 56       6      2.31     1.44      1.03   0.84      0.64   0.42   0.24
##    conc.4 conc.5 conc.6 conc.8
## 1    0.11   0.08   0.07   0.05
## 12   0.20   0.25   0.12   0.08
## 23   0.12   0.11   0.08   0.08
## 34   0.11   0.10   0.07   0.07
## 45   0.11   0.08   0.10   0.06
## 56   0.17   0.13   0.10   0.09

Data Reshaping

## [1] 66  3
##    Subject conc.0.25 conc.0.5 conc.0.75 conc.1 conc.1.25 conc.2 conc.3
## 1        1      1.50     0.94      0.78   0.48      0.37   0.19   0.12
## 12       2      2.03     1.63      0.71   0.70      0.64   0.36   0.32
## 23       3      2.72     1.49      1.16   0.80      0.80   0.39   0.22
## 34       4      1.85     1.39      1.02   0.89      0.59   0.40   0.16
## 45       5      2.05     1.04      0.81   0.39      0.30   0.23   0.13
## 56       6      2.31     1.44      1.03   0.84      0.64   0.42   0.24
##    conc.4 conc.5 conc.6 conc.8
## 1    0.11   0.08   0.07   0.05
## 12   0.20   0.25   0.12   0.08
## 23   0.12   0.11   0.08   0.08
## 34   0.11   0.10   0.07   0.07
## 45   0.11   0.08   0.10   0.06
## 56   0.17   0.13   0.10   0.09

Data Reshaping

  • If you've reshaped a data set - to get it back, just reshape it again
reshape(wide, direction = "long")[1:10,]
##        Subject time conc
## 1.0.25       1 0.25 1.50
## 2.0.25       2 0.25 2.03
## 3.0.25       3 0.25 2.72
## 4.0.25       4 0.25 1.85
## 5.0.25       5 0.25 2.05
## 6.0.25       6 0.25 2.31
## 1.0.5        1 0.50 0.94
## 2.0.5        2 0.50 1.63
## 3.0.5        3 0.50 1.49
## 4.0.5        4 0.50 1.39

Note the row name change

Data Reshaping - A Better Example

TB <- read.xlsx(file="../data/indicator_estimatedincidencealltbper100000.xlsx",
head(TB, 1)
##   TB.incidence..all.forms..per.100.000.population.per.year. X1990 X1991
## 1                                               Afghanistan   168   168
##   X1992 X1993 X1994 X1995 X1996 X1997 X1998 X1999 X2000 X2001 X2002 X2003
## 1   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168
##   X2004 X2005 X2006 X2007 NA.
## 1   168   168   168   168  NA
head(TB, 1)
##   TB.incidence..all.forms..per.100.000.population.per.year. X1990 X1991
## 1                                               Afghanistan   168   168
##   X1992 X1993 X1994 X1995 X1996 X1997 X1998 X1999 X2000 X2001 X2002 X2003
## 1   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168   168
##   X2004 X2005 X2006 X2007
## 1   168   168   168   168

Data Reshaping - A Better Example

colnames(TB) <- c("Country", paste("Year", 
                          1990:2007, sep="."))
##       Country Year.1990 Year.1991 Year.1992 Year.1993 Year.1994 Year.1995
## 1 Afghanistan       168       168       168       168       168       168
##   Year.1996 Year.1997 Year.1998 Year.1999 Year.2000 Year.2001 Year.2002
## 1       168       168       168       168       168       168       168
##   Year.2003 Year.2004 Year.2005 Year.2006 Year.2007
## 1       168       168       168       168       168

Data Reshaping - More is better!

TB.long <- reshape(TB, idvar="Country", 
            v.names="Cases", times=1990:2007, 
                   direction="long", timevar="Year", 
                   varying = paste("Year", 1990:2007, sep="."))
head(TB.long, 4)
##                            Country Year Cases
## Afghanistan.1990       Afghanistan 1990   168
## Albania.1990               Albania 1990    25
## Algeria.1990               Algeria 1990    38
## American Samoa.1990 American Samoa 1990    21
rownames(TB.long) <- NULL
head(TB.long, 4)
##          Country Year Cases
## 1    Afghanistan 1990   168
## 2        Albania 1990    25
## 3        Algeria 1990    38
## 4 American Samoa 1990    21