June 15, 2015

Getting Started

  • You should have the latest version of R installed (R 3.2.0 as of 6/15/2015)!
  • Open R Studio
  • Files –> New –> R Script
  • Save the blank R script as "day1.R" in a directory of your choosing
  • Add a comment header

Commenting in Scripts

Add a comment header to day1.R :# is the comment symbol

# Title: Demo R Script
# Author: Andrew Jaffe
# Date: 6/15/2015
# Purpose: Demonstrate comments in R
# nothing to its right is evaluated

# this # is still a comment
### you can use many #'s as you want

# sometimes you have a really long comment,
#    like explaining what you are doing 
#    for a step in analysis. 
# Take it to another line

Explaining output on slides

In slides, a command (we'll also call them code or a code chunk) will look like this

print("I'm code")
## [1] "I'm code"

And then directly after it, will be the output of the code.
So print("I'm code") is the code chunk and [1] "I'm code" is the output.

R as a calculator

2 + 2
## [1] 4
2 * 4
## [1] 8
## [1] 8

Note, when you type your command, R inherently thinks you want to print the result.

R as a calculator

  • The R console is a full calculator
  • Try to play around with it:
    • +, -, /, * are add, subtract, divide and multiply
    • ^ or ** is power
    • parentheses – ( and ) – work with order of operations

R as a calculator

2 + (2 * 3)^2
## [1] 38
(1 + 3) / 2 + 45
## [1] 47

R as a calculator

Try evaluating the following:

  • 2 + 2 * 3 / 4 -3
  • 2 * 3 / 4 * 2
  • 2^4 - 1

  • You can create variables from within the R environment and from files on your computer
  • R uses "=" or "<-" to assign values to a variable name
  • Variable names are case-sensitive, i.e. X and x are different
x = 2 # Same as: x <- 2
## [1] 2
x * 4
## [1] 8
x + 2
## [1] 4

R variables

R variables

  • We can display the top of the data with head:
        day       date orangeBoardings orangeAlightings orangeAverage
1    Monday 01/11/2010             877             1027         952.0
2   Tuesday 01/12/2010             777              815         796.0
3 Wednesday 01/13/2010            1203             1220        1211.5
4  Thursday 01/14/2010            1194             1233        1213.5
5    Friday 01/15/2010            1645             1643        1644.0
6  Saturday 01/16/2010            1457             1524        1490.5
  purpleBoardings purpleAlightings purpleAverage greenBoardings
1              NA               NA            NA             NA
2              NA               NA            NA             NA
3              NA               NA            NA             NA
4              NA               NA            NA             NA
5              NA               NA            NA             NA
6              NA               NA            NA             NA
  greenAlightings greenAverage bannerBoardings bannerAlightings
1              NA           NA              NA               NA
2              NA           NA              NA               NA
3              NA           NA              NA               NA
4              NA           NA              NA               NA
5              NA           NA              NA               NA
6              NA           NA              NA               NA
  bannerAverage  daily
1            NA  952.0
2            NA  796.0
3            NA 1211.5
4            NA 1213.5
5            NA 1644.0
6            NA 1490.5

R variables

  • data.frames are somewhat advanced objects in R; we will start with simpler objects;
  • Here we introduce "1 dimensional" classes; these are often referred to as 'vectors'
  • Vectors can have multiple sets of observations, but each observation has to be the same class.
## [1] "numeric"
y = "hello world!"
## [1] "hello world!"
## [1] "character"

R variables

Try assigning your full name to an R variable called name

R variables

Try assigning your full name to an R variable called name

name = "Andrew Jaffe"
## [1] "Andrew Jaffe"

The 'combine' function

The function c() collects/combines/joins single R objects into a vector of R objects. It is mostly used for creating vectors of numbers, character strings, and other data types.

x <- c(1, 4, 6, 8)
## [1] 1 4 6 8
## [1] "numeric"

The 'combine' function

Try assigning your first and last name as 2 separate character strings into a single vector called name2

The 'combine' function

Try assigning your first and last name as 2 separate character strings into a length-2 vector called name2

name2 = c("Andrew","Jaffe")
## [1] "Andrew" "Jaffe"

R variables

length(): Get or set the length of vectors (including lists) and factors, and of any other R object for which a method has been defined.

## [1] 4
## [1] "hello world!"
## [1] 1

R variables

What do you expect for the length of the name variable? What about the name2 variable?

What are the lengths of each?

R variables

What do you expect for the length of the name variable? What about the name2 variable?

What are the lengths of each?

## [1] 1
## [1] 2

R variables

You can perform functions to entire vectors of numbers very easily.

x + 2
## [1]  3  6  8 10
x * 3
## [1]  3 12 18 24
x + c(1, 2, 3, 4)
## [1]  2  6  9 12

R variables

But things like algebra can only be performed on numbers.

> name2 + 4
[1] Error in name2 * 4 : non-numeric argument
 to binary operator

R variables

And save these modified vectors as a new vector.

y = x + c(1, 2, 3, 4)
## [1]  2  6  9 12

Note that the R object y is no longer "Hello World!" - It has effectively been overwritten by assigning new data to the variable

R variables

  • You can get more attributes than just class. The function str gives you the structure of the object.
##  num [1:4] 1 4 6 8
##  num [1:4] 2 6 9 12

This tells you that x is a numeric vector and tells you the length.

Basic Summarization

Here are some simple functions for making calculations on data.

sum(): takes the sum of all numeric variables in a vector

mean(): takes the mean of all numeric variables in a vector

median(): takes the median of all numeric variables in a vector

Back to our data.frame example

  • Let's see what the structure of our data.frame is:
## 'data.frame':    1146 obs. of  15 variables:
##  $ day             : Factor w/ 7 levels "Friday","Monday",..: 2 6 7 5 1 3 4 2 6 7 ...
##  $ date            : Factor w/ 1146 levels "01/01/2011","01/01/2012",..: 31 35 39 43 47 51 55 59 63 67 ...
##  $ orangeBoardings : int  877 777 1203 1194 1645 1457 839 999 1023 1375 ...
##  $ orangeAlightings: int  1027 815 1220 1233 1643 1524 938 1000 1047 1416 ...
##  $ orangeAverage   : num  952 796 1212 1214 1644 ...
##  $ purpleBoardings : int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ purpleAlightings: int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ purpleAverage   : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ greenBoardings  : int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ greenAlightings : int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ greenAverage    : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ bannerBoardings : int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ bannerAlightings: int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ bannerAverage   : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ daily           : num  952 796 1212 1214 1644 ...


  • Creating a new script
  • Using R as a calculator
  • Assigning values to variables
  • Performing algebra on numeric variables